Objekt FO 383/213 - Spain and Portugal: Prisoners, including: Request for safe conduct for four wounded German prisoners interned...

Bereich "Identifikation"


FO 383/213


Spain and Portugal: Prisoners, including: Request for safe conduct for four wounded German prisoners interned...


  • 1916 (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

Bereich "Kontext"


Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Spain and Portugal: Prisoners, including: Request for safe conduct for four wounded German prisoners interned in Spain, Albert Seelman, Emil Bercker, Wilhelm Barends and Ernst Bremermann, to enable them to be sent to Germany for medical treatment. Survivors from the sinking of the SS Woodfield , including: Report from Melilla Hospital on Mr Edward Sydney Moon, Mr George Frederick Wand, Mr J W Phillips and Mr George William Thorne; permission by the Spanish Government for them to be released from internment when they were fit to travel; confirmation that they had arrived at Malaga and were due to sail to Gibraltar. Bill from the Spanish Government for payments made to survivors while in Malaga, including a list of names of the survivors (in docket no. 68125). Report of the escape of other crew members from Malaga. Question of the status of the escaped crew members, and whether they had given their word to the Spanish authorities not to escape. Decision not to return Private Hunt to Spain for internment. Statement by Mr H S Watkins that the crew members had given written parole not to escape while in Melilla, but that this had expired when they arrived in Malaga. Statement by Captain R Hughes of the terms of the parole given. Statements by Mr Swinson and Mr Jenkins. Internment of German troops from the Cameroons, including: Arrangements for the removal of the troops from Fernando Po to Spain. Agreement by the Spanish Government for internment of the troops in Northern Spain. Reports of two Spanish ships containing German troops heading for Cadiz and Las Palmas. Queries about the nature of the cargoes carried by the ships. Arrangements for the safe conduct of German refugees in Spain, and for the repatriation to Germany of certain categories of refugees. Lists of names of German troops on board the Spanish ships Cataluna and Isla de Panay (in docket no.117499). Mr Arnold Schroeder: arrangements for his safe conduct from Las Palmas to Cadiz. Arrangements for the repatriation of Cameroon nationals who had been under the command of German forces in Fernando Po. Report on German troops interned at Zaragoza in Spain. Internment of German prisoners in Portuguese East Africa, including: Recommendation that all German subjects should be interned, and held at Lourenco Marques. Request by the Vatican for German missionaries to remain unmolested. Includes a list of missionaries in the Zambesi region (in docket no.80392). Transfer by ship of German prisoners from Funchal and St Vincent to the Azores. Confidential report on Mr Fechtenburg, a Danish subject in St Vincent. Information on German prisoners still held at Funchal, Portugal. Captain John Geddes Scott: appeal for the release of his stepbrother, Mr Carl Hempel, interned in the Azores. Information provided by the Western Telegraph Company in Madeira on Mr Hempels employment and subsequent dismissal from the company; advice to the Portuguese Government that Mr Hempel should not be permitted to return to Madeira. Code 1241, code 1936 Files 45060-53878.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records created or inherited by the Foreign Office >> Records of various First World War Departments >> Foreign Office: Prisoners of War and Aliens Department: General Correspondence from 1906

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