Objekt ADM 137/7/8 - Page 362: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 25th August 1914 –Expeditionary Force...

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ADM 137/7/8


Page 362: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 25th August 1914 –Expeditionary Force...


  • 1914 (Anlage)



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Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Page 362: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 25th August 1914 –Expeditionary Force 500 at Port Moresby, 1500 at Palm Island. Desirable to move as early as practicable. Page 363: draft handwritten note from Governor General Australia to Colonial Officer 25th August 1914 –would appreciate early escort for Expeditionary Force, (paper M 01556/14). Page 364: copy of minute of [Vice-Admiral] Sir Henry Jackson 25th August 1914 in (paper M 01556/14) –expedition is off Townsville and consists of [HMAS] Sydney, [HMS] Encounter, armed transport Berrima, supply ship Aorangi. Hospital ship Grantala will join shortly. The three destroyers are at Port Moresby with Karowna which contains military contingent from Thursday Island. Rear Admiral [HMAS] Australia proposes to coal at Suva on September 2nd and meet this expedition off East Russel island and establish base at Rabaul. Page 365&366: telegrams from Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governors General of the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand 25th August 1914 –Japanese government assure us they have no intention of seizing territories such as the German islands in the Pacific outside the China seas. Japanese government have been informed confidentially of expedition against German Pacific possessions from Australia and of New Zealand expedition against German Samoa. Page 368a: History Section Precis, (paper M01536/14). Page 368g: letter from Admiralty to Colonial Office 25th August 1914 –Admiralty must be solely responsible as regards route, escort and date of sailing, (paper M 01536/14). Page 372: telegram from Receiver General, Suva to Admiralty 26th August 1914 - [French cruiser] Montcalm arrived. Page 374: telegram from Marine, Paris to Admiralty 26th August 1914 –please instruct [French cruiser] Montcalm to remain with Admiral [HMAS]Australia as long as useful to him. Page 376: telegram from R.A. [Rear Admiral] Commanding Australian Squadron to Admiralty 26th August 1914 –squadron sailed today for Samoa. Page 379: telegram from Intelligence Officer, Singapore to Admiralty 27th August 1914 –[German gunboat] Geier reported south east of Madura Island (Java Sea) Gneisnenau heard from wireless station at Cocos or Keeling Islands (Indian Ocean) Northern and Western coasts of Australia. Page 380: memo from [Vice Admiral] Sir Henry Jackson 27th August 1914 –it may be judged that [German cruiser] Gneisenau is south of Java with[German gunboat] Geier as a W/T link to Dutch East Indies. Probable objective Australian trade route to Colombo and Red Sea or Australian expedition to New Guinea or East Africa - 4000 miles off so unlikely. Page 381: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 27th August 1914 –estimation of German position –[German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau disappeared North Eastwards. [German gunboat] Geier off North West of New Guinea. Query Jaguar off south coast of Java. [SS] Stolberg in Banda Sea. [SS] Luneberg in Java Sea. [SS] Ulm and [SS] Wismar south of Java. Page 383: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 27th August 1914 –[HMAS] Sydney, [HMS] Encounter and [HMAS]Berrima remain at Palm Island. Supply ship Aorangi left Sydney 26th August for Palm Island, additional escort not required. Page 385: Movements of ships referred to in telegram dated 28.8.14 –SS Luneberg left Melbourne 22nd July 1914 arrived Macassar 19th August 1914. SS Stolberg left Table Bay 13th July 1914 arrived Macassar 29th September 1914. SS Ulm left Newcastle(NSW) 2nd August 1914 arrived Amboina 29th September 1914. SS Wismar left Antwerp 5th July 1914 arrived Banjoewangie 17th November 1914. Page 388: telegram from Commonwealth Naval Board, Melbourne to Admiralty 28th August 1914-two submarines, Protector and tender Upolu left Sydney for Palm Island 28-8-14. Page 389: History Section Precis 28th August 1914, (paper M 01539/14). c: telegram from G.G.A.[Governor General Australia to C.O.[Colonial Office] 24th August 1914 – in reply to wireless from China asking whether we had any objection to Japanese warships employed in Australian waters we replied no objection. We assume Japan will adhere to intention expressed in your telegram of 11-8-14. d: C.O.S. [Chief of War Staff Admiralty] 26th August 1914 –we should instruct China to employ British ships south of Singapore as far as possible. f: telegram from Admiralty to China 28th August 1914 – HM Government prefer if possible British warships being used south of Singapore latitude but if necessary you have complete freedom of action. Page 390: telegram from Manila to Admiralty 28th August 1914 – German ship Machew sailed last night ostensibly for Sourabaya 120 tons of coal. German ship Hoerde 5000 tons of coal on point of sailing destination not known. Page 391: History Section Precis 30th August 1914, (paper M 01556/14). c: telegram from G.G.A.[Governor General Australia to C.O. [Colonial Office] 25th August 1914 –should like early escort for New Guinea Expedition which has started northward. e: 1st S.L. [First Sea Lord] 26th August 1914 –R.A.C.Aus [Rear Admiral Commanding Australia] will convoy Expedition as soon as Samoa has been taken. f: telegram from R.A.C.Aus to Admiralty 30th August 1914 –Apia (Samoa) occupied. Will sail for Suva 31st August 1914. g: telegram from Admiralty to R.A.C.Aus. 30th August 1914 –suggested movements approved but essential to destroy Nauru W/T on way to Rabaul. Page 392: History Section Precis 30th August 1914. c: telegram from C.O. [Colonial Office] to G.G.A. [Governor General Australia] 30th August 1914 –R.A.C.Aus [Rear Admiral Commanding Australia] with [HMAS] Australia and other ships will convoy expedition to New Guinea as soon as Samoa has been taken, (paper M 01677/14). Pages 393-394: telegram from Suva to Admiralty 30th August 1914 –Apia occupied 30th August 1914 with no resistance. [HMAS] Australia, [French cruiser] Montcalm and [HMAS] Melbourne leaving for Suva probably 31st. Senior Naval Officer New Zealand proposes [HMNZS] Psyche to Vavau and Wellington, [HMNZS] Philomel to Pango Pango, Vavau and Tongatabu informing King of Tonga of our occupation of Samoa. [HMS] Pyramus to Suva to await orders. Page 396: telegram to R.A.C.Aus. 30th August 1914 –movements approved but essential that Nauru W/T be dismantled on way to Rabaul. China Squadron is proceeding to Eastern Archipelago to search for German cruisers, (paper M 01556/14). Page 397: draft telegram signed Harcourt sent to Admiralty September 2nd 1914 relating to concerns of shipowners that vessels are being detained unnecessarily especially in Far Eastern and Australian waters. Page 399: telegram from Commander in Chief China to Admiralty 31st August 1914 –[HMS] Hampshire, [French torpedo vessel] D’Iberville and three French destroyers patrolling western approach to Malacca Straits as crew of British steam vessel reported sunk by [German light cruiser] Konigsburg as been landed at Sabang. I am proceeding in [HMS] Minotaur on short cruise to eastward while waiting arrival of other ships from Hong Kong then shall commence search of Java archipelago about 3rd September. Page 401: telegram from R.A.C. Australian Fleet to Admiralty 1st September 1914 - [HMAS] Australia, [French cruiser] Montcalm, [HMAS] Melbourne leave Apia for Suva 31st August 1914.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records of the Admiralty, Naval Forces, Royal Marines, Coastguard, and related bodies >> Records of the Navy Board and the Board of Admiralty >> Admiralty: Historical Section: Records used for Official History, First World War >> Australasia Telegrams, part 1, 27 July-29 September 1914. (Described at item level).

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