Objekt ADM 137/11/10 - Folio 494: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, Singapore 8th September 1914. If German armoured cruisers...

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ADM 137/11/10


Folio 494: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, Singapore 8th September 1914. If German armoured cruisers...


  • 1914 (Anlage)



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Folio 494: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, Singapore 8th September 1914. If German armoured cruisers not accounted for by end of month you must escort Australian contingent with HMS Minotaur and HMS Hampshire meeting it near Cocos. [HMAS] Sydney and [HMAS] Melbourne will convoy from Fremantle to Colombo. Folio 495: Telegram from Intelligence Office, Singapore to Admiralty 8th September 1914.Second Officer [SS] City of Winchester arrived at Singapore yesterday reported that [German merchant ship] Goldenfels was not accompanied by an armed vessel of any kind. Folio 496: Telegram from Hong Kong to Admiralty 8th September 1914.[Japanese cruisers]Nisshen, Kasuga arrived. Folio 497: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief, China 8th September 1914.do you know whereabouts of [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Folio 498: minute from Admiral Sir Henry Jackson, 8th September 1914 relating to situation and shipping movements in the Pacific as proposed by 1st Sea Lord [Prince Louis of Battenberg]. Folio 499: Telegram from Amoy to Admiralty 9th September 1914. American gunboat Piscataqua and transport Abarenda left Amoy last night for Manila. Folio 501: Telegram from Singapore to Admiralty 9th September 1914. [Japanese cruisers] Ibuki, Chikuma sailed from Singapore for Java Sea. Folio 502: Telegram from Reporting Officer, Penang to Admiralty 9th September 1914. [French cruiser] Dupleix arrived off Penang 9th September 5.30am. Folio 504: Telegram from Sir C Greene, Tokyo to Foreign Office 9th September 1914.two Japanese squadrons about to start, one to watch ships leaving Manila, and the other to cruise in Marianas and Carolines. Folio 506: Telegram from Admiralty to Commodore Hong Kong 31st August 1914. P&O[ship] Arcadia, Pacific Mail [ship]Nile, R.M.S. [Royal Mail ship] Carnarvonshire taken up as freight ships. Japanese will be asked to afford necessary protection North of Hong Kong. Arrangements for escort and date of departure will be communicated later. Folios 510-511: Telegram from Sir C Greene to Foreign Office 9th September 1914. Relating to suggestion that Japan might send ships to Europe and reasons why it would not be possible. Japanese Navy fully occupied in China Seas and Pacific. Also Japanese distrust of America. Folio 513: Telegram from Sandakan to Admiralty 10th September 1914. [Five destroyers] HMS Colne, HMS Chelmer, HMS Kennet, HMS Jed, HMS Welland arrived. Folio 514: Telegram from Commodore, Hong Kong to Admiralty 10th September 1914. [P&O] Arcadia, [Pacific Mail] Nile, [RMS] Canarvonshire will be escorted by [Russian cruisers] Askold and Zhemchug from Hong Kong to Singapore. On arrival at Calcutta have arranged for ships to be taken over by Government of India. Folio 516: Telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governors. General of Australia and New Zealand 10th September 1914.very likely that Japanese squadron will visit Marianne and Caroline Islands to search for German squadron. M 01894/14. Folio 517: Telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in Chief, China 10th September 1914. Rear Admiral Australia will escort Australian troops across Indian Ocean, leaving Fremantle 7th October with [HMAS] Australia, [HMAS]Melbourne and [HMAS] Sydney. Cover them from the North if Germans not accounted for. With Japanese cruisers work in two divisions each strong enough to engage [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Folio 519: History Section Precis. M 01858/14. c: Telegram from G.G.A.[Governor General Australia] to C.O. [Colonial Office] 8th September 1914 - Expeditionary Force can leave Sydney 27th September. Please inform re convoy. M 01858/14. e: Sir H B J [Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] 9th September 1914:- Propose informing that strong escort can leave Fremantle 7th October but no escort can be guaranteed for 6 weeks thereafter. Commander-in-Chief, China to be informed on 24th September at latest. C.O.S. [Vice-Admiral Sir FCD Sturdee]:- Concur with Sir HBJ. This shows how naval strategy is handicapped by Colonial and Military Authorities continually changing their minds. 1st Lord [Winston Churchill]:-This is the only solution. M 01858/14. h: Questions by 1st Lord [Winston Churchill]on reverse of docket as to War Office knowledge, size of convoy, nature of escort. Further minute by 1st Lord that HMS Minotaur and HMS Hampshire from China Squadron will be required as well as 3 escorting ships. M 01858/14. i: Letter from Admiralty to C.O. [Colonial Office] 10th September 1914 stating that escort will be ready at Fremantle 7th October and that no more escort guaranteed for 6 weeks after; Commonwealth must arrange accordingly. M 01858/14. Folio 520: History Section Precis. M 01839/14. c: Telegram from G.N.Z. [Governor, New Zealand] to C.O. [Colonial Office] 8th September 1914- Pacific cable tampered with today. Trade route considered dangerous. Is Cocos Island Station secure? M 01839/14. d: Telegram from D.T.D. 9th September 1914.if due precautions taken no undue risk anticipated. Cocos Island is intact. Folio 522: Telegram from W.O. [War Office] to G.O.C. [General Officer Commanding] Singapore 11th September 1914.Conveyance has been arranged for the 1/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. They are to leave Singapore for Calcutta about September 25th. Telegram from W.O. [War Office] to G.O.C. [General Officer Commanding] South China 11th September 1914.Conveyance has been arranged for the 2/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. They are to leave Hong Kong for Calcutta about September 20th. Telegram from W.O. [War Office] to G.O.C. [General Officer Commanding] North China 11th September 1914 -2/Gloucestershire Regiment will leave North China for Calcutta in P&O [Peninsular and Oriental]steamship Arcadia about September 15th. Folio 524: Telegram from General Officer Commanding, South China to War Office 11th September 1914. Other officers detailed are Major Davy, Lieuenant-Colonel Radcliffe, Lieutenant Pressey. I am sending 90 men of the 25th including the Tientsin detachment and 20 men of the 40th Company Royal Engineers. I propose to send three families by the same vessel. Folios 526-527: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief via Singapore to Admiralty 12th September 1914. Search of Sumatra, Java and adjoining seas complete. No results. Dutch observing strict neutrality. No news of [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. I cannot cary on unless I establish my headquarters at Hong Kong and send HMS Minotaur andHMS Hampshire to join Rear Admiral Australia. Both ships ready to leave Singapore September 15th. Folio 529: Telegram from N.I.O.[Naval Intellignece Officer] Singapore 12th September 1914. HMS Yarmouth, [Japanese cruiser] Chikuma, [British armed merchant cruiser] Empress of Japan arrived. Folio 530: Telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Singapore to Admiralty 12th September 1914. HMS Yarmouth will escort three transports from Singapore to Calcutta. F olio 531: Telegram from Naval Intelligence Officer, Hong Kong to Admiralty 12th September 1914. [Russian cruiser] Askold arrived. Folio 533: Telegram from HMS Yarmouth, Singapore to Admiralty 12th September 1914. HMS Yarmouth and [Japanese cruiser] Chikuma arrived.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

The National Archives >> Records of the Admiralty, Naval Forces, Royal Marines, Coastguard, and related bodies >> Records of the Navy Board and the Board of Admiralty >> Admiralty: Historical Section: Records used for Official History, First World War >> China general operations telegrams, part 1, 25 July-25 September 1914. (Described at item level).

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